Who We Are

Solar Lane was born from the friendship and shared vision of George Whyte & Vikram Garewal.

United by a passion for renewable energy, we provide access to superior and cost-effective solar power solutions.

Our mission is to illuminate lives across Sub-Saharan Africa with sustainable power, making a brighter future accessible to all.

What We Do

We specialize in distributing tier-1 solar equipment, with a primary focus on Photovoltaic (PV) Modules.

We proudly partner with leading manufacturers like Canadian Solar, Jinko Solar, JA Solar, and Trina Solar to make this happen.

From residential to mega-projects, Solar Lane serves as your comprehensive solar procurment hub.

Why We Do It

Our vision is empowerment.

We envision our schools, businesses, hospitals and cities thriving—connected by the foundational support of reliable and sustainable energy.

The critical need for renewable resources in Africa is evident. When the power cuts schools can't educate, businesses can't operate and at worst lives are lost.

So we are committed to making solar power both accessible and affordable for all Africans.

Our goal is not just to supply power, but to enable growth and prosperity throughout the continent.